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Episode 6: The Zodiac Killer

Show Notes

This episode explores the timeline of the crimes of the infamous Zodiac Killer, a serial killer who was active in the San Francisco area of California in the 1960s and 1970s. The Zodiac Killer is one of America's most well known unsolved cases, and it has recently hit headlines again as an independent group of investigators claim to have found concrete evidence linking his crimes to a singular individual. Has this case really been solved? Or does the Zodiac Killer remain a shadow figure in the world of true crime? Listen to the episode to form your own opinion, and if you are interested in reading further about the case, all of the source materials and articles are listed below. Also be sure to visit the podcast on Instagram @crimebistropodcast, for some behind the scenes look and additional content!


Source Materials:


Zodiac Killer Show Notes Image.jpg
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